How to Make a Pumpkin Out of Wine Corks

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Happy Fall Y'all!  I have a fun wine cork craft / pumpkin project to share with you today that is so much fun. It turned out even cuter than I imagined. Gather up lots of wine corks and let's get started!

Wine cork pumpkin, tutorial for wine cork pumpkin, fall decor, fall crafts, autumn craft, Free Fall printable, Happy Fall printable

Steps for making your wine cork pumpkin:

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  • Enough wine corks to make a cute little pumpkin (alternatively, you could just purchase craft wine corks. But, what's the fun in that;-) - For reference I used 37 total corks for this small pumpkin, but for a bigger pumpkin you might just need to have another glass of wine or a lot of wine!
  • craft paint (orange acrylic paint) and small paint brush or kids watercolor paints (I used some of my kids left overs from school and they worked great!)
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks
  • Autumn floral stems of choice
  • Floral wire cutter

1). Gather your supplies

Wine corks.

If you haven't saved any over time, have a party and ask all of your guests to bring a bottle of wine or two!  Afterward, you'll be set. OR, just buy a bag of wine corks in the craft section;-).

I've also provided an Amazon link for wine corks should you wish to order some.

A lot of old wine cork and craft brushes sitting on sidewalk.

Hot glue gun.

Mine is from Walmart, but I attached a link to one on Amazon that gets good reviews.

Hot glue gun sitting on paper towel to make diy wine cork pumpkin.

Watercolor paint.

I was actually planning on using some acrylic craft paint, but I couldn't find any orange at my house.  I came across these watercolor paints and they worked great.  If you have young children, chances are good you have this exact same palette somewhere!

The colors worked perfectly for this project.

Watercolor paint by floral stems.

Cup of water

(If using watercolor paints)

Autumn Floral Stems of choice for top of pumpkin

Fall floral stems.

Floral Wire Cutters

Wire cutters for florals.

2). Paint your wine corks

This was so easy!  If you have corks from a red wine, they will already have a beautiful red/purple color.   Try to ensure both sides of the cork are a similar color so the pumpkin looks great from any angle.

I left some plain, others I painted red, purple, and of course, plenty were painted orange.

Painting wine corks orange to make Wine cork pumpkins.
A row of wine corks painted in purples and orange.

3. Glue wine corks in pumpkin shape

For the first row, I hot glued a row of four corks to make the bottom row.

After applying a line of hot glue, I held them in place for a few seconds to allow the glue to set and they were good to go.

On the second row there were five corks, then on the next row were six corks, with the middle row containing seven corks. After the center row, six corks, five corks, and four corks for the top row.

On the top of your pumpkin, a dab of hot glue can be added to a plain cork in the middle of the row for the pumpkin stem.

So easy!

Adding a single wine cork to top of wine cork pumpkin to make stem.

I tried to keep the end of the cork that had a corkscrew hole facing the same direction.  Probably not necessary, but this project was so simple, I had to find a way to complicate it a little bit!

The red wine stain on the old wine corks made beautiful purple colors for the adorable pumpkins.

Wine cork pumpkin, fall craft, Halloween pumpkin craft with wine corks,

4.  Use wire cutters to trim the autumn florals, then hot glue to decorate the stem:

winecork pumpkin DIY, Fall craft, Watercolor paint craft

Step back and admire your pretty wine cork pumpkin!

Wine Dork Pumpkins, a DIY fall craft with wine corks
Wine cork pumpkin and fall printable - Happy Fall Y'all

Did you notice my "Happy Fall" sign?  I created that printable to add to my decor and popped it in a 5x7 frame.

Do you want one too?

Click on the image below and grab one today!

Happy Fall 5x7 printable
Happy Fall Sign - Free fall printable and wine cork pumpkin

Thanks for reading Love Our Real Life for this fun wine cork pumpkin project!

The fall season is a favorite and these cute little pumpkins will be the perfect addition to your fall decor. Now, get busy making your wine cork pumpkin.

Depending on the number of corks you've saved, you may end up with different sizes. You can follow the wine cork pumpkin tutorial to make a large pumpkin or a small one!

For best results, complete diy projects such as this with friends! Making simple wine cork pumpkins is a fun way to enjoy a craft night with some girlfriends AND come home with a cute decor item!

Related Reading:

  • DIY Pumpkins with Metallic Acrylic Paint and Spray Paint
  • String Art Project, The Complete Beginner's Guide
  • How to Stencil on a Terra Cotta Pot
  • DIY Coasters
  • When to Decorate for Fall
April author of Love Our Real Life

I'm April - a DIYer, home organization fanatic, and simple gal who loves a simple craft. My mission is to help you create a home AND LIFE you LOVE!

Read more about April

How to make a wine cork pumpkin

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How to Make a Pumpkin Out of Wine Corks


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