How to Draw a Wagon Easy

how to draw a wagon made from simple shapes and effects

Learning how to draw a wagon is definitely not a difficult task. This simple vehicle is mostly made from simple shapes like circles and rectangles. That's exactly what the first part of this lesson is all about. If you want to go one step further, you will have the opportunity to add more effects to the drawing. Indeed, I will also show you how to create gradients, highlights and shadows inside our subject. Ready? Let's proceed with the first step of this tutorial now.

How To Draw A Wagon

Do you like this illustration? Good news! It can be yours now! Learn how :)

drawing this cartoon wagon using basic shapes

First, let's draw the wheels of the cartoon wagon using circles. Each wheel is made of three different circles. We need thick tires, so make sure the second circle is not too large. Then, we can work on the frame of the vehicle by drawing a simple rectangle above the wheels. Make sure this new shape is longer on the right side of the subject.

How To Draw A Wagon

Next, you can draw panels using three more large rectangles (shown below with a temporary pink outline). All three panels are joined using two more vertical frames. Nice work! This lesson on how to draw a wagon is progressing nicely.

How To Draw A Wagon

It's now time to draw the handle using more thin rectangles. Near the junction of the vehicle and the handle, you can draw a short curved line. Notice the angle of the new addition. Great! The drawing aspect of this tutorial is now completed. Let's add some colors!

How To Draw A Wagon

The object is mostly filled with red and gray colors. All three panels are red, as well as the small pin located inside both wheels. The rest of the wagon is colored in gray. Only the tires are filled with a darker gray color.

How To Draw A Wagon

Plain colors are nice, but working with gradients is even better. In this step, you can convert all plain colors to gradients to create more depth inside the cartoon wagon. Notice how the panels are now darker on the bottom and brighter near the top. The same process can be seen on all shapes.

How To Draw A Wagon

creating shadows and highlights

Drawing shadows can definitely improve the object and create more volume inside this one. For this simple wagon, only a few shadows will be added on the left side of all panels.

These new elements must be filled with a dark red color. It's also a good idea to use transparency if you want to end up with a subtle result. You can see all new additions below (with a temporary blue outline).

How To Draw A Wagon

Highlights and reflections can also play a role in this illustration. Adding more contrast can help create more depth inside the picture. This time, all new added shapes must be colored in white. Just like we did for shadows, make sure that the shapes are also partially transparent.

How To Draw A Wagon

nice work learning how to draw a wagon!

I hope you had fun learning how to draw a wagon like the one found below. Of course, this object can be created using several shapes, colors and designs. Don't hesitate to experiment and draw new objects like this one. Practicing is the key! :)

How To Draw A Wagon

Below you can see an image featuring all steps required to illustrate this object properly. Now that we are done with this cute wagon, you are invited to try more cool vehicles from the same series here.

How To Draw A Wagon

A few samples of these additional vehicles can be found below. Have fun sketching and drawing these new illustrations and practice as often as possible. :)

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How to Draw a Wagon Easy


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